National Access Points converging at the CROCODILE 2 Technical Workshop in Budapest
26.03 2018.
All over the European Union National Access Points are currently being established in accordance with the Delegated Regulations. Despite being available in numerous Member States, the problem still remains that providers have shown little interest so far in using NAPs for providing information about their data and services.
During the CROCODILE 2 Technical Workshop in Budapest on 23rd November 2017, held in cooperation with EU EIP, ten Member States used the opportunity to present the present state of their National Access Points. The participants then discussed in four groups what factors make a NAP successful (i.e. data and services providers using it), what currently prevents the NAPs from being successful and measures can be set towards a successful NAP (e.g. dissemination, encouragement, penalties, etc.).
The workshop participants rated that taking action to change the situation of the NAPs is both urgent and important, so the next steps will focus on harmonizing the interconnection of the NAPs in order to make them more attractive as well as taking an active step towards data and service providers and provide themĀ with access to the National Access Points.